That’s where the PC fans come in to play, they are meant to expel heat out of the system to prevent the CPU from overheating and causing potential hardware damage. They use more power, generate more heat and loud noises. Many Games (like Division 2) and editing software (like Adobe Premiere) put more stress on the CPU and GPU.

If you are constantly hearing the loud, noisy sound of CPU fans, it’s because the computer is generating a great amount of heat. Should You Change Fan Speed If CPU Fans Are Loud?

Here are our recommendations for the best fan control software for Windows 10 and 11 that will help you set the custom fan curve easily and efficiently. This fan controller software has the ability to adjust the fan speed according to the system’s temperature. Luckily, there are free programs known as fan control software that you can use to control the CPU or GPU fan’s speed on Windows PC.